Mausoleum Michniów - The museum shape symbolizes a traditional village hut, which gradually crumbles into dust. Numerous offsets and inclined surfaces characterize the complex structure. PERI engineers developed a customized formwork concept in order to carry out the project with a minimum quantity of special formwork.

Mausoleum Michniów
Michniów, Poland

Building concept which symbolizes a traditional village hut that loses its original form and crumbles into dust over time.

Special architecture with numerous offsets and inclinations in the walls and roof.



Avalikud ja kultuurihooned
Projekti osalejad
Klient: Budowlana „Anna Bud“ Sp. z o.o. Bilcza, Morawica, Poland
Arhitekt: Mirosław Nizio, Nizio Design International, Warszawa, Poland

Projekti ülevaade

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Nõuded ja lahendused

Statement Mausoleum Michniów - Rafał Adamski, Project Manager
Statement Mausoleum Michniów - Rafał Adamski, Project Manager
Rafał Adamski
Project Manager
Thanks to the professional collaboration and technical support from PERI which was already provided in the planning phase, the building could be formed and concreted quickly and easily in spite of its complex design.

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Mausoleum Michniów, Poland

Mausoleum Michniów - The museum shape symbolizes a traditional village hut, which gradually crumbles into dust. Numerous offsets and inclined surfaces characterize the complex structure. PERI engineers developed a customized formwork concept in order to carry out the project with a minimum quantity of special formwork.
Mausoleum Michniów - The museum shape symbolizes a traditional village hut, which gradually crumbles into dust. Numerous offsets and inclined surfaces characterize the complex structure. PERI engineers developed a customized formwork concept in order to carry out the project with a minimum quantity of special formwork.