MAXXI - Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo, Rome, Italy - This extraordinary structure is characterized by twisting reinforced concrete walls which reach heights of up to 14 m.

MAXXI - Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo
Rome, Italy

National museum for art and architecture of the 21st century

Construction period: 2003-2009

Avalikud ja kultuurihooned
Projekti osalejad
Klient: ARGE MAXXI 2006
Arhitekt: Zaha Hadid, London

Projekti ülevaade

Rohkem infot projektist

Nõuded ja lahendused

Statement MAXXI, Rome, Italy - Gianni Scenna, Construction Manager
Statement MAXXI, Rome, Italy - Gianni Scenna, Construction Manager
Gianni Scenna
Construction manager
The formwork utilisation planned by PERI and the support on the spot during the construction time enabled us to experience the best possible construction sequence. For us, VARIO was the perfect wall formwork system which made the production of these parts possible, which are extraordinary regarding their shapes and dimensions. Adjusted to the use of self-compacting concrete with a fresh concrete pressure of up to 150 kN/m², we were able to achieve very high surface qualities.

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MAXXI - Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo, Italy

MAXXI - Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo, Rome, Italy - This extraordinary structure is characterized by twisting reinforced concrete walls which reach heights of up to 14 m.
MAXXI - Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo, Rome, Italy - This extraordinary structure is characterized by twisting reinforced concrete walls which reach heights of up to 14 m.