Museum of Tomorrow, Rio de Janeiro - For realising the extraordinary museum on time and within budget, PERI planned, produced and delivered over 3,500 customised special formwork elements.

Museum of Tomorrow
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Futuristic building with cantilevered roof and facade with moving elements

Exhibition area with two storeys connected by inclined ramps


Avalikud ja kultuurihooned
Projekti osalejad
Klient: Odebrecht Engenharia, OAS Engenharia, Carioca Engenharia
Arhitekt: Santiago Calatrava

Projekti ülevaade

Rohkem infot projektist

Nõuded ja lahendused

Museum of Tomorrow, Rio de Janeiro | Edilson Costa, Site Manager
Museum of Tomorrow, Rio de Janeiro | Edilson Costa, Site Manager
Edilson Costa
Site Manager
The combination of multiple PERI formwork and scaffolding systems together with efficient engineering support was the key factor in ensuring that the concrete construction challenges we faced could be mastered. In particular, the on-time deliveries of the pre-assembled formwork units enabled us to shape Rio’s newest landmark.

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Museum of Tomorrow, Brazil

Museum of Tomorrow, Rio de Janeiro - For realising the extraordinary museum on time and within budget, PERI planned, produced and delivered over 3,500 customised special formwork elements.
Museum of Tomorrow, Rio de Janeiro - For realising the extraordinary museum on time and within budget, PERI planned, produced and delivered over 3,500 customised special formwork elements.