National stadium Kazimierz Górski, Warsaw, Poland - The complex construction project with highest quality requirements demanded an experienced construction site team as well as on-site support through PERI engineers.

National stadium Kazimierz Górski
Warsaw, Poland

Football stadium for the European Championship 2012 with 55,000 seats

Construction period until opening: 2009 - 2012



Avalikud ja kultuurihooned
Projekti osalejad
Klient: Alpine Bau Deutschland AG; Alpine Bau GmbH; Alpine Construction Polska Sp. z o.o.; PBG S.A.; Hydrobudowa Polska S.A.

Projekti ülevaade

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Nõuded ja lahendused

National stadium Kazimierz Górski, Peter Rozumnyj, Construction manager shell construction
National stadium Kazimierz Górski, Peter Rozumnyj, Construction manager shell construction
Peter Rozumnyj
Construction manager shell construction
We have been working closely and well with PERI in smaller and larger construction projects for years now – the precondition for successful handling of the project. With the national stadium, we now have to cope with huge amounts of concrete and formwork in a very short time. Together with PERI, we are able to master these difficult tasks regarding formwork and material planning. The Polish PERI engineers are a very effective help, at day and at night – above-average commitment and highest possible flexibility here help to compensate for imponderabilities caused by the jobsite.

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National stadium Kazimierz Górski, Poland

National stadium Kazimierz Górski, Warsaw, Poland - The complex construction project with highest quality requirements demanded an experienced construction site team as well as on-site support through PERI engineers.
National stadium Kazimierz Górski, Warsaw, Poland - The complex construction project with highest quality requirements demanded an experienced construction site team as well as on-site support through PERI engineers.