Parco della Musica e della Cultura, Florence, Italy - The complex includes a 1,800-seat opera house, a concert hall for 1,100 music lovers as well as a theatre for audiences up to 2,000.

Parco della Musica e della Cultura
Florence, Italy

Group of buildings with opera house (1,800 seats), concert hall (1,100 seats) and theatre (2,000 seats)

Construction period: 2010 - 2012




Avalikud ja kultuurihooned
Projekti osalejad
Klient: Società Consortile parco della Musica a.r.l.
Arhitekt: ABDR Architects

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Parco della Musica e della Cultura, Italy

Parco della Musica e della Cultura, Florence, Italy - The complex includes a 1,800-seat opera house, a concert hall for 1,100 music lovers as well as a theatre for audiences up to 2,000.
Parco della Musica e della Cultura, Florence, Italy - The complex includes a 1,800-seat opera house, a concert hall for 1,100 music lovers as well as a theatre for audiences up to 2,000.