Wall 18, one of the structure’s most twisted walls, merges with walls 17 and 2. Metal fixings are hanger brackets for precast concrete cladding

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Meie projektid

Casa da Música, Porto, Portugal - Built to coincide with “Porto 2001 – European Culture Capital”, the concert hall is pictured here after structural work had been completed.
Parco della Musica e della Cultura, Florence, Italy - The complex includes a 1,800-seat opera house, a concert hall for 1,100 music lovers as well as a theatre for audiences up to 2,000.
Mausoleum Michniów - The museum shape symbolizes a traditional village hut, which gradually crumbles into dust. Numerous offsets and inclined surfaces characterize the complex structure. PERI engineers developed a customized formwork concept in order to carry out the project with a minimum quantity of special formwork.
National stadium Kazimierz Górski, Warsaw, Poland - The complex construction project with highest quality requirements demanded an experienced construction site team as well as on-site support through PERI engineers.
UTEC University Campus, Lima, Peru - With the help of the customized PERI formwork and scaffolding solution, a new campus complex is being realized in Lima – with high architectural requirements and a tight construction schedule.
Hradec Králové Library, Czech Republic - With an X-shaped floor plan, the architectural concept of this building created a new highlight in the urban development of the city of Hradec Králové. Originally, all external surfaces should have received an orange-painted facade. This concept was completely rejected due to the high-quality concrete surface finish.
Sports arena Lora, Split, Croatia - The PERI solution served as both shoring and an assembly platform on which the enormous steel trusses of the roof construction were set down, assembled and moved into position.
Restaurante Florante Submarino, Valencia, Spain - With 77 t of PERI UP Rosett materials, the building´s design could be accurately realized as a three-dimensional spatial load-bearing structure.
Edificio Ágora, Valencia, Spain - A huge birdcage scaffold on the basis of PERI UP Rosett provided safe access ways and working areas for subsequent site activities up to a height of nearly 80 m.
Museum of Tomorrow, Rio de Janeiro - For realising the extraordinary museum on time and within budget, PERI planned, produced and delivered over 3,500 customised special formwork elements.
Pegasus Sculpture, USA - The 33 m high and 60 m long sculpture ensemble, featuring Pegasus and a dragon, was realised in a larger than life size. With the help of the PERI UP solution, more than 1,000 bronze castings could be assembled and welded on site.
Temple of Divine Providence, Warsaw, Poland - With the help of the PERI UP Rosett modular scaffold system, 24-metre high shoring was erected at the main entrance of the temple. Even at large heights, up to 40 kN per leg could be safely and reliably transferred.
Mercedes-Benz Museum, Stuttgart, Germany - The execution of this very impressive project required unique engineering and assembly implementation on the construction site.
Centre Pompidou, Metz, France - The tent-like roof construction reached a height of 77 m. For the up to 32 m high PERI UP Rosett shoring towers, adapting to the complex roof geometry was carried out using system components from the VARIOKIT engineering construction kit.
St. Martins Therme & Lodge, Frauenkirchen, Austria - With formwork and scaffolding systems perfectly matched each structural component, the concrete frame could be completely finished in only 9 months.
Overview of the construction site - PERI Project - "Humboldt Forum" City Palace, Berlin
MAXXI - Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo, Rome, Italy - This extraordinary structure is characterized by twisting reinforced concrete walls which reach heights of up to 14 m.
The Squaire, Frankfurt am Main, Germany - PERI UP scaffolding on the longitudinal sides of the building was designed according to the expected loads and carried the construction loads.
BBI Airport, Berlin Brandenburg, Germany - Only when seen from an aerial perspective is the scale of the construction site really apparent: the area is the size of around 2,000 football pitches.
Midfield Terminal Building, Abu Dhabi - The Midfield Terminal Complex is the ultimate in construction sites.
Munich Airport Satellite Terminal, Germany - The 600 m long, new satellite terminal at Munich airport is located in the centre of the airfield and encloses the apron tower and incorporates the existing baggage sorting centre. Construction is taking place during normal airport operations and presents an enormous challenge to all those involved in the project.
Delivering a high-grade architectural finish for a world-changing university.
PERI UP - the versatile scaffolding system aids a hospital build in Belfast
The solution by PERI is realised in the finish of the concrete walls for the Aquatics Centre for London 2012