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Kvaliteetsete süsteemide kasutamine muudab keerukate konstruktsioonide ehitamise lihtsamaks. Pakume ronimis-, vormimis-, transpordi- ja turvasüsteeme, et muuta ehitamine kiiremaks, ohutumaks ja kuluefektiivseks.

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Ultramodernne ja tõeliselt urbanistlik Ülemiste City ärilinnak areneb suurel kiirusel. 13-korruselisele Öpiku esimesele majale on kerkimas kõrvale ka teine, moodustades seni suurima büroohoonete kompleksi Eestis.
Trump International Hotel & Tower, Chicago, USA - With a height of 415 m, the Trump International Hotel and Tower on the Chicago River is a very impressive skyscraper.
Porta Nuova Garibaldi, Milan, Italy - Each of the two towers has three reinforced concrete cores which were constructed with help of two PERI ACS self-climbing variants.
JKG Tower, Jalan Raja Laut, Kuala Lumpur - A complete solution consisting of formwork, scaffolding and related services has guaranteed safety at all heights and rapid progress during the construction of JKG Tower complex.
RONDO 1, Warsaw, Poland - The PERI CPP climbing protection panel reliably encloses the upper floors under construction.
Marina Bay Sands, Singapore - The American Las Vegas Sands Corporation is the owner of the complex the highly visible hotel towers.
21st Century Tower, Dubai, United Arab Emirates - The RCS climbing protection panel complete encloses the upper floors under construction and provides protection against wind and weather - and increases productivity.
Il Bosco Verticale, Milan, Italy - Massive, 28 cm thick reinforced concrete balconies cantilever outwards for 3.35 m in an irregular fashion on all four sides of the building.
ISET Tower, Yekaterinburg, Russia - The ISET Tower in Yekaterinburg is characterized by its external shape. PERI planned a comprehensive, crane-independent concept of the climbing formwork required on the elevator shafts and core walls, as well as the climbing protection panel on the building´s outer edges.
Al Hamra Tower, Kuwait City, Kuwait - Already during the construction phase, the Al Hamra Tower stood out through its timeless elegance which was achieved by turning the external facade by 130 degrees.
Evolution Tower, Moscow, Russia - Inclined and crane-independently climbed RCS protection panel units provide here a very high level of safety.
Torre Agbar, Barcelona, Spain - The cylindrical core and facade walls of this 142 m high office building were constructed with PERI ACS self-climbing technology.
Cuatro Torres Business Area, Madrid, Spain - For the very wide range of requirements, PERI provided the most cost-effective solution with the ACS self-climbing formwork.
Warsaw Spire - With a height of 220 m, the new office tower of the "Warsaw Spire" building ensemble will be the tallest office building in Warsaw after completion. Two office buildings flank the tower, each 55 m high.
Avala TV Tower, Belgrade, Serbia - The perfectly adapted shoring and working scaffold optimally supplemented the cost-effective formwork solution.
Hotel Mélia, La Défense, Paris, France - For the construction of the Hotel Meliá in the "La Défense" office district, PERI developed a comprehensive climbing formwork solution. This serves not only as an enclosure, which ensures the safety of the construction teams at all times, but also it supports the precast parapets during erection.
Absolute World, Missisauga, Canada - One climbing system – two climbing methods: with protection provided by the RCS climbing protection panel, the two twisting Absolute World towers rose steadily upwards in regular weekly cycles.
Prosta Tower, Warsaw, Poland - The PERI UP scaffolding extended upwards on the outside keeping pace with the construction progress.