Meeting formwork demands on Hinkley Point C

Tööstus- ja vesiehitus

Ajutised tööd, mis parandavad teie töötempot.

Keeruline ja ajakulukas 

Selle sektori projektide ulatuse tõttu võivad ehitusprogrammid kesta mitu aastat. Ehituskulude ja aja minimaalsena hoidmine võib muuta kõik. Oma ekspertide meeskonna kaasamine protsessi varakult tähendab, et saame koos ette planeerida. Selliseid väljakutseid nagu ruum ja topograafia saab arvesse võtta meie ajutiste tööde süsteemide kavandamisel, et pakkuda teile teie projekti jaoks õiget lahendust. 


  • The drum formwork was integrated with heavy-duty trusses comprising RCS rail frames and heavy-duty rollers to facilitate movement.

    Šahtidele ja tammidele saame pakkuda ühepoolset, sidumata raketise paigaldamist. 

    Pindade ja konstruktsioonide puhul, mis peavad olema veekindlad, on oluline kasutada sobivaid ankruid, tihendussüsteeme ja raketist, mis suudavad anda kvaliteetse pinnaga betooni viimistluse. 

  • Meeting formwork demands on Hinkley Point C
    Elektri- ja energiajaamad

    Meie PERI UP-i tellingute süsteem võib pakkuda nendele projektidele mitmesuguseid lahendusi alates ajutisest integreeritud juurdepääsust kuni raskete tugi- ja tugevdusrakendusteni. 

    Olgu tegemist keeruka geomeetriaga või piiratud ruumiga, meil on raketise lahendus iga väljakutse jaoks. 

Meie projektid

LNG liquid gas reservoirs, Cameron, USA - In the US state of Louisiana, three enormous liquid gas tanks were simultaneously realized using PERI know-how. Each of the structures has an 80 m diameter and a wall height of 44 m.
Eemshaven Power Plant, Netherlands - For the power plant construction in Eemshaven, the industrial scaffold system PERI UP has clearly demonstrated its flexibility and adaptability.
Los Ramones II Pipeline, San Luis Potosi, Mexico
Stanari Thermal Power Station, Doboj, Bosnia-Herzegovina - A total of 9 circular piers with 3.60 m diameters and 40 cm wall thicknesses will subsequently carry a steel platform for the condenser.
LGS Weather Protection Roof from PERI, the lattice girder system for weather protection, rain protection, snow protection, hail protection.
Grain Silo near Parma, Italy - Cost-effective PERI climbing concept: with a complete platform level and halved on-site wall formwork requirements, fast and continuous working operations were achieved.
Sewage plant As Samra, Jordan - With the selected PERI formwork and scaffolding systems, the construction team was able to cost-effectively fulfil all requirements in spite of the tight construction schedule. The solutions developed by PERI engineers and the local site management, along with support provided by PERI specialists, contributed to efficient and problem-free construction.
Nile river barrage Naga Hammadi, Egypt - The variable VARIO girder wall formwork, together with SKS climbing scaffold, formed large area transportable units.
Cement plant Ivano-Frankowsk, Ukraine - For extending the cement plant, engineers from PERI Ukraine designed a comprehensive and sophisticated formwork and scaffolding solution.
Lock facilities, Panama Canal, Panama - More than 12 months after starting the development work on the Panama Canal, the dimensions and the massive structural elements are clearly visible.
PERI project - water retaining structures - Foz Tua Dam, Vila Real – Alijó, Portugal
Power plant Belchatow, Poland - The two-storey supporting structure, with a height of 25 metres, accommodates the sorption installation for the flue gas desulphurisation.