VARIOKIT frames with VARIO formwork enables the tunnel roof to take shape


Ehitage enesekindlalt ühest otsast teise

Alates uuenduslikest ajutistest töödest, mis toetavad šahtide ehitust kuni erinevate tunneligeomeetriate kohandamiseni, on meie insenerimeeskonnal tunnelite ehitamise alal mitmekülgne teadmiste tase. Meie VARIOKIT komponentide paindliku disainiga saame pakkuda lahendust mis tahes ristlõike ja valumeetodi jaoks. 

Meie projektid

The drum formwork was integrated with heavy-duty trusses comprising RCS rail frames and heavy-duty rollers to facilitate movement.
Citytunnel Malmö, Sweden - The southern entrance area was constructed using the cut-and-cover method for a length of around 1.5 km.
A photo taken in London at the Victoria Embankment. It shows the construction of a shaft to redirect sewage.
Tunnel Jumeirah Palm Island, Dubai, United Arab Emirates - In 25 m long concreting steps and four cycle sequences, the tunnel bottom plate, two wall sections respectively and then the slab could be concreted one after the other.