Prosta Tower, Warsaw, Poland - The PERI UP scaffolding extended upwards on the outside keeping pace with the construction progress.

Prosta Tower
Warsaw, Poland

Building in the city centre of Warsaw with striking concrete and glass façade 

Height: 70 m

Storeys: 19

Shell construction period: 11 months

Construction period until opening: 2007 – 2011



Pilvelõhkujad ja kõrghooned
Projekti osalejad
Klient: Warbud S.A., Warsaw

Projekti ülevaade

Rohkem infot projektist

Nõuded ja lahendused

Prosta Tower - Rafał Rusek, Project leader
Prosta Tower - Rafał Rusek, Project leader
Rafał Rusek
Project leader
This project was a great challenge for us because fair-faced concrete jobsites often mean a lot of risks. However, with PERI we have found a proficient and experienced partner. This enabled us to safely and successfully implement the project due to PERI’s perfect logistics and prefabricated formwork.

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Prosta Tower, Poland

Prosta Tower, Warsaw, Poland - The PERI UP scaffolding extended upwards on the outside keeping pace with the construction progress.
Prosta Tower, Warsaw, Poland - The PERI UP scaffolding extended upwards on the outside keeping pace with the construction progress.