Restaurante Florante Submarino, Valencia, Spain - With 77 t of PERI UP Rosett materials, the building´s design could be accurately realized as a three-dimensional spatial load-bearing structure.

Restaurante Florante Submarino
Valencia, Spain

Underwater restaurant in the “Parque Oceanográfico“ for 500 visitors, with an extraordinary roof design from eight symmetrical, hyperbola-form paraboloids.



Avalikud ja kultuurihooned
Projekti osalejad
Klient: UTE Parque Oceanografico
Arhitekt: Felix Candéla

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Helista numbrile +372 677 11 00 või kirjuta e-mailile


Restaurante Florante Submarino, Spain

Restaurante Florante Submarino, Valencia, Spain - With 77 t of PERI UP Rosett materials, the building´s design could be accurately realized as a three-dimensional spatial load-bearing structure.
Restaurante Florante Submarino, Valencia, Spain - With 77 t of PERI UP Rosett materials, the building´s design could be accurately realized as a three-dimensional spatial load-bearing structure.