Temple of Divine Providence, Warsaw, Poland - With the help of the PERI UP Rosett modular scaffold system, 24-metre high shoring was erected at the main entrance of the temple. Even at large heights, up to 40 kN per leg could be safely and reliably transferred.

Temple of Divine Providence
Warsaw, Poland

Church with a height of 75 m and a diameter of 68 m

Overall construction period: 2003 - 2011



Avalikud ja kultuurihooned
Projekti osalejad
Klient: Z. Marciniak S.A., Gorzów Wielkopolski

Projekti ülevaade

Rohkem infot projektist

Nõuded ja lahendused

Default Person
Default Person
Jacek Mosiej | Piotr Faron
Construction manager | Construction manager
For the handling of such a complex building of this size, it was indispensable to have a proficient partner for the required types of formwork and scaffolding. The diversity of the PERI systems guaranteed our safe and efficient work sequences during the construction of the concrete structure – without any limitations. The PERI formwork systems with their manifold applications and the completely convincing PERI UP Rosett shoring solution offered maximum safety and guaranteed the successful implementation of this very difficult project.

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Temple of Divine Providence, Poland

Temple of Divine Providence, Warsaw, Poland - With the help of the PERI UP Rosett modular scaffold system, 24-metre high shoring was erected at the main entrance of the temple. Even at large heights, up to 40 kN per leg could be safely and reliably transferred.
Temple of Divine Providence, Warsaw, Poland - With the help of the PERI UP Rosett modular scaffold system, 24-metre high shoring was erected at the main entrance of the temple. Even at large heights, up to 40 kN per leg could be safely and reliably transferred.