Trump International Hotel & Tower, Chicago, USA - With a height of 415 m, the Trump International Hotel and Tower on the Chicago River is a very impressive skyscraper.

Trump International Hotel & Tower
Chicago, United States

Skyscraper directly located on the Chicago River with 472 luxury apartments and 286 five star hotel rooms.

Total height: 423 m
Storeys: 98
Construction period: 2005-2009



Pilvelõhkujad ja kõrghooned
Projekti osalejad
Klient: James McHugh Construction Co., Chicago

Projekti ülevaade

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Nõuded ja lahendused

All the systems on site are easy to use and adapt quickly to the changing conditions of this large project. The engineering and logistical support we receive from PERI is important to our success.
James Payne
Project Superintendant

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Trump International Hotel & Tower Chicago, United States

Trump International Hotel & Tower, Chicago, USA - With a height of 415 m, the Trump International Hotel and Tower on the Chicago River is a very impressive skyscraper.
Trump International Hotel & Tower, Chicago, USA - With a height of 415 m, the Trump International Hotel and Tower on the Chicago River is a very impressive skyscraper.