UTEC University Campus, Lima, Peru - With the help of the customized PERI formwork and scaffolding solution, a new campus complex is being realized in Lima – with high architectural requirements and a tight construction schedule.

UTEC University Campus
Lima, Peru

Grandstand-style campus building of the UTEC University (Universidad de Ingeniería y Tecnología) in Barranco, the southern city district of Lima.

10 upper floors with lecture halls, event locations, laboratories, administrative facilities and professors´ offices, dining hall as well as a cultural centre with exhibition rooms and library; 2 basement levels with parking decks and utility rooms.



Avalikud ja kultuurihooned
Projekti osalejad
Klient: Graña y Montero S.A., Lima

Projekti ülevaade

Rohkem infot projektist

Nõuded ja lahendused

Humberto Cueva Carrascal, Site Manager, Statement UTEC
Humberto Cueva Carrascal, Site Manager, Statement UTEC
Humberto Cueva Carrascal
Site Manager
With the selected PERI systems, we have achieved an enormous work performance as well as the high level of execution demanded by the client.

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UTEC University Campus, Peru

UTEC University Campus, Lima, Peru - With the help of the customized PERI formwork and scaffolding solution, a new campus complex is being realized in Lima – with high architectural requirements and a tight construction schedule.
UTEC University Campus, Lima, Peru - With the help of the customized PERI formwork and scaffolding solution, a new campus complex is being realized in Lima – with high architectural requirements and a tight construction schedule.